
"Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint; but happy is he who keeps the law." -Proverbs 29:17

Friday, May 21, 2010

Do You Love America and Jesus, if so are you willing to stand up for them?

Hi, I have found some interesting information on the internet I think some of you should know about. These are two distrubing websites talking about Radical Islam in America. This first is a lecture on the truth about Shariah Law. It is from the Family Research Council, a very reputable site. It says that Muslims have the right to lie to non-Muslims to increase their power, it says that women don't have any rights and a lot more. Learn the scary truth about Shariah Law by listening to this webcast. It is very educational. http://ning.it/anaNNF This is Not what we want in America!

Now if you disagree with what Radical Islam and Shariah Law and what Jihad's stands for, then please take the time to sign this petition. They are wanting to build a 13-story mosque at ground zero, the site of the Twin Tower Terrorism site. It will house training centers just as they do in Yemen, who trained the Christmas plane bomber. There has already been two recent attempted car bombings in NYC, it will get worst if this mosque is built. If you Oppose the Radical Islamic Mosque at "Ground Zero" sign this petition NOW http://ning.it/9KRMeU (Act For America).

As Christians we have to fight against this, to protect our country, our neighbors, and our families. If Christianity is removed from America, if America stops being a Christian Nation, then it WILL become and Islamic one. Then we will all be in danger! First and foremost we must pray and put our faith in the Lord Jesus. Next we must continue spreading the truth, the Gospel of Jesus Christ as stated in Matthew 28. We must make sure the donations we give to Charities are really Christian ones. I truely believe we are in the End Times, and if you are a believer in the Rapture as I am, then we hope you are ready and getting prepared my friends, because I having a churning in my spirit that we are getting closer every minute. I want to leave you with a couple Bible verses, to increase your faith and knowledge in the Lord.

John 14:6
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

2 Peter 2:2
And many will follow their destructive ways, because of whom the way of truth will be blasphemed.

Revelation 18:23
The light of a lamp shall not shine in you anymore, and the voice of bridegroom and bride shall not be heard in you anymore. For your merchants were the great men of the earth, for by your sorcery all the nations were deceived.

Matthew 10:22
And you will be hated by all for My name’s sake. But he who endures to the end will be saved.

I hope this post does not offend anyone, I feel a strong conviction to give this message. Please let me know how you feel? I want others opinions on this matter. Thank you for your time, and have a blessed day.


  1. Ronda,

    Thanks for tweeting me the link to your blog. Some of your point I agree with others I believe are completely wrong. Either way I will fight for you right to say them.

    Ok here we go.

    I agree Sharia Law is not a good idea. The founding fathers were careful to ensure that religion and law remained separate. Throughout the Islamo-Christian history the church has attempted to impose it's law on the people. So far in the US the law makers have been reasonably successful in keeping to the two separate. For example on 2.5 of the 10 commandments are in the US legal system.

    Atheist majority democracies lead the world in quality of life, eduction, low crime rates etc. Claiming that Christianity is what is protecting USA from Islam is false.

    Islam is far closer to Christianity that atheism. Like Judaism and Christianity Islam is also based on the God on Abraham.

    I personally think that the Islamic Center is insensitive and would be a poor marketing decision for them to make. However what scares me more is that the law makers may begin to regulate what religious buildings are built in which locations. This goes against the concept of liberty which Americans hold so dear.

  2. Dear Michael,
    Thanks for the comment, I do respect your views, but your next to the last statement, "However what scares me more is that the law makers may begin to regulate what religious buildings are built in which locations." Shouldn't worry you at all. The lawmakers are all for the mosque being built. I have heard Obama, Hillary, and Pelosi all endorse it.

    Protesting and petitioning the Ground zero mosque is part of freedom of speech, people protest a new Walmart when it comes to town, saying that it will hurt the "mom and pop shops", and in many cases the people are right, as many of the small shops do close down once a Walmart is built. I've seen it happen in three towns, in my old home state. So anyway the lawmakers are for the "world" not of Christ. They are they ones getting 10 commandments and crosses removed from public places. They would never do that to a foriegn religion or minority group, not in today's politically correct state.

    However I will continue to pray that the mosque does not get built there, Even taking the relgious aspect out of it. It is in bad taste, that the terrorists who funded and orchastrated the 9/11 incident, is now going to build a trophy site, to show the world how they conqured America in 10 years, President and all. Now that is something I am scared about. May God help us all.
