
"Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint; but happy is he who keeps the law." -Proverbs 29:17

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Never Forget

While browsing the social network Twitter, I was astonished at the many posts by Americans that are totally anti-American. It led me to think where they are getting their info from… MTV, public schools, or is it just the average gutter talk in American societies today? Kids and adults alike are enraged with satanic thoughts of murder, rape, drugs, abortion, homosexuality, and cursing. But the worst thing is an absolute disrespect for God or anyone who believes in Him. Young people seem to want to belong to something; however they don’t know where to turn. They can’t go to their parents—most parents don’t raise their own kids anymore. They start shoving them into daycare centers at 5 weeks old, and soon by age 12 they allow them to watch themselves. While parents stay late after work, or go out with friends, soon many of these children join gangs or find a boyfriend/girlfriend to share their time with. Either way the results are disastrous, gangs lead to crimes, and time alone with boyfriends and girlfriends lead to unwanted pregnancies and STD’s. The schools aren’t any help either. Today’s public schools are like zoos full of wild animals. Nothing of value is being taught, with the liberal-left controlling the Educational System. Not only is the truth about American History not being told, but now they have replaced it with special classes on homosexuality, how to apply condoms, and take birth control pills. Planned Parenthood has affiliations with the public school systems to take girls age 12 and up to the abortion clinic without the parents even knowing. Men like Barney Frank and Kevin Jennings make it a point to manipulate young boys into believing gay is the way, while they are nothing more than sickos and pedophiles. It is horrible and the truth must be told. No I am not narrow-minded or a homophobe as “they” like to proclaim to anyone who disagrees with them. But I am specific in what true liberty is. True freedom is not manipulation to get people to agree with you and when they don’t, you call them a hater. Sorry it does not work that way! True freedom is expressed in what I am doing now, freedom of press, freedom of speech, freedom of religion. Freedom does not lie and manipulate. Freedom is presenting truthful choices and allowing honest decisions. With this said, here is my thought for the day for America: Never Forget.

America was founded on Christian beliefs. About 400 years ago when the Anglicans landed in the southern colonies (1607) and the puritans and separatists landed in the Northern colonies (1620), their beliefs were the same. They all were considered Christians, even the Catholics that came to Middle colonies (1632), they were Christians too. This means they all believed in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. They all believed in the Trinity. All had European religious roots from the Church of England, or from the Pope in Rome, most were Calvinist Reformers, which meant Protestant in their faith. This is just a small touch on the background of American Christian History, but for more info I would suggest some in depth reading. Two great college/graduate level books on American Christianity are “The Story of Christianity” Vol. 2 by Justo L. Gonzalez and “The Religious History of America” by Edwin Gaustad.

This is what our country was founded on, and it was not to long ago. Think about it 400 years ago, is only 5/6 generations back, if you take the average lifespan to be seventy. These people were our great grandparents, they came here to this new land, the promised land, to start a Christian country. However it failed early on with the Puritans who wanted a city of all believers. It wanted only Puritan leaders and voters, and anyone claiming otherwise was removed from the land or even killed. It ended tragically with the Salem Witch Trials. But at least they tried, it was a good idea. But the only “promise land” of all Christians will be in heaven someday. Many others tried to make heaven on earth too, such as some Communist and Marxist countries. Even Islam, which proclaims to be the religion of peace, will only achieve that when the entire world becomes Muslim and all infidels are killed. But back to the subject at hand… what would our grandparents think of us now? Would they recognize their offspring and land? If our grandparents could see us now, would they be ashamed, would they cry, would they be in disbelief? Yes. We must remember our roots, honor them, and most importantly we must honor and remember God. We must stop all this liberal-left nonsense, it didn’t work for Sodom and Gomorrah and it will not work for America either. “God Bless America” is just not a carefree motto, but a covenant promise made between the early colonists and God. It’s not one sided either, meaning God can’t continue to bless what is no longer His. We have a responsibility to remember and honor the One who has brought us this far, and that means to “Never Forget”. It’s up to us to honor our ancestors and to remember American History as it really was. Did you know the first thing built in Jamestown was a church, not a home, or a military fort? Yes, it was a church, because they put God first, before themselves. How many of us can say that today? America was founded by godly men and women and on the Word of God, let us never forget that, bet even more importantly let us never stop practicing that.

If we Christians don’t protect our rights to worship, preach, and read out of the Bible, then it will soon be taken away from us. We must remember that religious freedom means that we can believe anything and not get punished for it. Preachers in Canada and other places can’t preach on homosexuality, it is called a hate crime. They cannot say the verses like Lev. 18:22 and I Cor. 6:9, without facing fines and jail time. Do you want that to happen in America? Well it’s on its way! However, we can be soldiers for Christ, we can put on the whole armor of God to fight against the wiles of the devil (Eph. 6:10-20). Let us fight the good fight of faith (1Tim. 6:12) and stand up for American Christian History, and most of all let us never forget.

Author and Speaker Joyce Meyer said, “In America we now find that the history books have been revised and most of the references about God have been taken out of them. We no longer have our true history easily available, and that is a tragedy.” She goes on to say “The devil is using ungodly people to keep Americans and the world from remembering what God had done in our past.” (“Eat the Cookie… Buy the Shoes”, 2010) History, good or bad is always better when it’s true. I will leave you with this last note: The past is good to learn from. The past gives us clues of what is going to happen in the future. When we forget our past, our history, we lose our foundations and stability. Like the famous Bible verse says in Mathew 7:24-26, It is better to have a firm foundation on a rock, then a loose foundation on the sand… otherwise we may get washed away in the waves (paraphrased).

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