
"Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint; but happy is he who keeps the law." -Proverbs 29:17

Friday, July 15, 2011

Israeli Relations

While reading the latest issue of “The Torch” magazine, printed by Christian United for Israel (CUFI), I realized this information is not being broadcast in the evening news. This information is not being broadcast on the major news networks either. Somehow this information must get put out there into the general public’s hands, but how? This is where I come into play… little old me with my little old blog trying to save the world, even if it’s only one person at a time. Yes, the information is important to me, so much so that I think you need to know about it too! Why? Because it my save our lives, our nation, and perhaps even the world.

America needs Israel Now More Than Ever

No, the title is not backwards, Israel does not need America more than ever. America needs Israel more than ever. Why? Because we need a strong ally in the Middle East, and they are the only one that shares American values. In his article, “The Ultimate Ally”, Ambassador Michael B. Oren, wrote a fascinating piece on our reliance on Israel, and why we cannot fail in our loyalty to them. To do so would be the detriment to everyone, and yes I do mean everyone. First off, he explains what an ally is, “An ally stands with the United States through multiple conflicts and promotes its global vision… Its army is loyal to its democratic government; it helps secure America’s borders, and assists in saving American lives on the battlefield.” He goes on to say, “An ally stimulates the U.S. economy through trade, technological innovation, and job creation.” Now is that a great definition or what!

America has not turned its back on Israel, Obama may have tried but there are 4 million Jews in America and 159 million Christians who support Israel and want to remain allies with them. A Gallup poll from this February even showed that two out of three Americans sympathize with Israel. Support for Israel in the United States has not declined, despite Obama’s efforts. It is a popular thought that an Israeli-American alliance is more important now than ever before.

Obama like many other Muslims try to blame Israel for failed peace negotiations. In his recent speech to restore the 1967 borders, Obama failed to mention the corresponding Palestinian concessions, which was to reject the return of the Jewish people to their homeland. Yes, he wanted them kicked out of Israel again! David Brog, the director of CUFI said, “Singling out Israel is a moral failure of the highest order.” Also it is to note that Obama embraced this one-sided peace negotiation after the Hamas had signed their unity agreement in Cairo. And in case you don’t know, the Hamas terrorist organization is now part of the Palestinian government. The Hamas Covenant calls for violent destruction of Israel and embraces the murder of all Jews no matter where they live, and that means in America too. Obama knew this, he knows this, yet he does not care, and even agrees with this. Now does this sound like a true Christian President, no it doesn’t, but nothing Obama says or does represents a true Christian character.

Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East. It is certain to remain stable and pro-American when all others fail. In Israel alone, the United States will not have to choose between upholding its democratic principles and pursing its vital interests. Ties between the U.S. and Israel are not new, their roots go further than Israel’s creation 63 years ago…it took hold with the Pilgrims arrival in 1620. The Pilgrims (Separatists from the Church of England) considered themselves to be on an “Exodus” as they crossed the “Big Sea” and founded a new “Promised Land”. Plymouth Rock was dubbed as the “New Israel.” These were God fearing people. Just like their neighbors in the South, at Jamestown, the first thing they built was a church, before a house or a fort.

Israel has always sided with the United States on major global issues. Oren declares, “At the UN and other international institutions, the two countries’ voting patterns are virtually identical, as are their policies on human rights and international law.” He also states that “in times of danger, especially, Israel has responded to America’s needs.” For example, in 1991, in spite of missile attacks from Iraq, Israel honored Bush’s request not to retaliate. Israel is a true friend to America. And friends don’t stab friends in the back, especially over power, money, greed, or peer pressure from terrorist nations!

Israel is important because it is at the junction of paramount American interests. It is not situated in some backwoods, but as a prominent place on the Mediterranean Sea, and our gateway to the Muslim nations. This allows the U.S. to minimize its military deployment in the area. Israel is in a critical region for American national security. U.S. troops train with the IDF in aerial combat and special operations. Our navy ships are routinely docked in Haifa, and our Air Force planes refuel at Israeli bases. Andrew Shapiro stated, “Israel is a vital ally and cornerstone of our regional security commitments.” George Keegan exclaimed that America “owes more to the Israeli intelligence input than it does to any single source of intelligence.” The U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security and Israel share technical info in defending ports and terminals from terrorist attacks. Israel not only enhances American defenses—it also saves American lives.

In return for our $3 billion in aid to Israel, the U.S. receives an armed ally and enhanced military edge. Also, Israel assists America by stimulating trade, spurring technological innovation, and creating jobs. Oren informs us that “Despite a population of just 7.7 million people, Israel is America’s 20th largest customer in the world, surpassing Russia and Spain.” He goes on to say, “And at a time when America corporations are outsourcing to Asia, Israel is outsourcing to the United States.” In fact, the $3 billion in American aid to Israel, $2.25 billion gets returned to the U. S. This shows us that the U.S.-Israeli relationship is not one-dimensional. The two countries cooperate in a broad range of nonmilitary fields such as, humanitarian, commercial, and scientific. So for the price of only half of one Zumwalt-class destroyer, the U.S. helps maintain the military might of one of the few nations who would and does actively contribute to our defense. In the grand scheme of things, it’s a very small price to pay for friendship, peace and global security.

In regards to nuclear-armed Iran, America and Israel have promoted together international sanctions to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons. America knows that Israel remains the regions only credible foil to Iran. America and Israel have together strived for true peace in the Middle East. It is the only country capable of deterring Hamas and Hezbollah and impeding the spread of Iranian control. American has a true ally, and that ally is Israel, and in my book, makes our relationship with Israel priceless, regardless of what our current President has to say about it.

This is not only a political article, but a spiritual article. I want you to know that the Bible warns of these things. I’m not saying that Obama is the antichrist, but has an antichrist personality, just as Hitler had many years ago. But we “the people” have a part in this too. Our prayers make a difference. The Bible tells us in Ephesians 6:12: “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” Our world can be an evil place, our rulers can be evil people, but God can give us peace and protection. The Word also tells about God in Psalm 61:3: “For You have been a shelter for me, a strong tower from the enemy.” With that said, my prayers go out to you to have peace in these trying times, and to focus not upon the worldly problems, but keep your mind on heavenly things, keeping Jesus first in your hearts… now and forevermore.

Thank you, RL

Information from this blog came from “The Torch” magazine (July, 2011), and the Holy Bible NKJV. For more reference please visit www.cufi.org .

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